The Best Quotes to Come Out of World War I

It's WWI Wednesday! Over 75,000 U.S. Marines fought during the First World War, most being enlisted men. The conflict gave the Marine Corps several of its greatest heroes including Major General Smedley Butler and Sergeant Major Dan Daly. The conflict also gave the Marine Corps some of its most famous quotes. Here are three of our favorite hard-core quotes from one of the biggest battles of WWI:

1. "Retreat? Hell, we just got here!" 

Attributed to several Marine officers during the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918, this quote represents the determination of the Marine Corps at what is considered first large scale battle fought by American soldiers during WWI and one of the bloodiest battles in history.

2. " Who said I was dead? Send me the mortars and a thousand hand grenades" 

Attributed to Marine Major George W. Hamilton, this quote was also said at Belleau Wood.  Hamilton was one of the first Marines to set foot on French soil in WWI and was part of nearly every major conflict during WWI. Yet another example of Marine resilience and tenacity!

3. "Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"

Perhaps the most famous quote to come out of WWI, Sergeant Major Dan Daly's historic rallying cry would proceed an all-out charge on German forces at Belleau Wood. Today, Daly's quote encompasses the Marine Corps spirit.

Do you have a favorite WWI Marine hero or quote? Tell us all about it in the comments!
